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KVPY Exam Pattern 2021
Here we are providing the exam pattern of the KVPY 2021 examination (OFFICIAL WEBSITE):
Exam Mode: The aptitude test will be conducted through online (Computer Based Test) mode.Date & Shift: It will be organized in the first week of November 2021. It will be started from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM for Stream SA. For Stream SB/SX, the exam will begin from 2 PM to 5 PM.Medium of Question Paper: The question paper will be asked both in English & Hindi Language.Type of Questions: It is a multiple choice type question paper. All the questions are compulsory to attempt in Stream SA. There is an option to attempt any three sections in PART I & any two sections in PART II in Stream SB/SX.Duration of Exam: The duration of the aptitude test will be three hours.Sections: The question paper will contain two sections: PART I & PART II. There will be four sections in PART I & PART II.Total Marks: The question paper will consist of 100 marks.
Below we have given the subject wise exam pattern for all streams:
KVPY 2021 Marking Scheme
The question papers of Stream SA & Stream SB/SX will be of 100 marks. In PART I of both the Stream, one mark will be awarded for correct response & 0.25 marks will be deducted for incorrect response. In PART II of Stream SA & Stream SB/SX, for each correct response two marks will be given to the candidates & 0.5 marks will be deducted for incorrect answer.